UCL School of Management

Ivan Tan | 3 August 2023

Why I Chose to Study MSc Management at UCL

At UCL School of Management, we understand that finding the right university is as vital as selecting the perfect course. Hear directly from MSc Management student Ivan Tan about his choice of UCL and gain insights into how both university and course fit into the bigger picture of his academic journey.​


After making the important decision to pursue a postgraduate degree in Management, the next step is selecting the right university. This decision is just as crucial as choosing the right master’s programme, which is why I hope this blog post will help explain why UCL may also be the perfect choice for your academic aspirations.

Positive Undergraduate Experience at UCL:

One of the biggest reasons why I personally chose UCL was my positive undergraduate experience. UCL provided a vibrant and inclusive environment, with numerous societies catering to various interests. I eagerly joined the Gaming Society and Anime Society, where I met like-minded individuals who shared my passions. The friendly and welcoming nature of the people at UCL made my university transition seamless. Moreover, the faculty demonstrated a genuine willingness to support and assist students, particularly my personal tutor. I received invaluable guidance during challenging times and felt that I always had someone to confide in. These positive experiences at UCL compelled me to apply to the university once again for my master’s degree, knowing that my experiences would likely be nothing short of positive!

summer School opportunities

Another attractive aspect of UCL’s MSc Management programme is the opportunity to participate in the Summer School alongside renowned institutions like HEC Paris and Tsinghua University. I wanted an experience that would provides me exposure to different cultures, perspectives, business environments, and expanding my network, which this summer school opportunity would likely provide. 

Course structure

Finally, the main reason why I chose to study MSc Management at UCL is the comprehensive course structure it offers. Coming from a non-business background, I wanted to acquire a holistic understanding of all aspects of a business. UCL’s MSc Management Programme provided exactly that as it covers a wide range of subjects essential for managing a business effectively. From strategy and marketing to finance and operations, the programme offers a well-rounded education that equips graduates with a comprehensive toolkit for success in the business world. Moreover, the programme offers intriguing elective modules such as Fintech and Technology Entrepreneurship, allowing students to delve deeper into areas of specific interest while obtaining a comprehensive understanding of the business landscape.

Final remarks

Choosing to study UCL’s MSc Management Programme was a natural decision for me as it fulfilled all my criteria. The positive undergraduate experience, the opportunity to participate in the Summer School, and the comprehensive course structure were all factors that made UCL stand out specifically to me and maybe to you. Regardless, I hope that these reasons will assist you in making an informed decision about your university selection for this major milestone in your life!

Learn more about MSc Management programme.

Last updated Thursday, 27 February 2025