UCL School of Management

Staff event

UCL Arena Exchange Seminar: Active Flipped Learning


Wednesday, 10 February 2016
13:00 – 14:00

The Flipped Classroom has become synonymous with the use of video. UCL School of Management’s Sarah Warnes and Matt Smith argue that effective ‘flipping’ requires much more than providing pre-recorded lectures. In this session they will share their experiences of using flipped classroom pedagogies with a cohort of 80 students, from diverse disciplines and different academic levels.

Sarah and Matt will demonstrate how, through their use of exclusively institution supported technologies, they have created a series of interactive learning events which encourage students to actively engage with flipped content, and in doing so shape the learning that takes place during contact time. This session relates to UKPSF dimensions A2, A3, K4 and V1.

Please register via the Single Training Booking System

UCL Arena Exchange Seminars are run by UCL staff and outline examples of good teaching practice.

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Last updated Tuesday, 2 February 2016