Martin Kilduff has the won the ‘Best Paper Award’ from the Institute of Leadership at the Ivey School, Western University, Canada.
The paper, titled ‘The Leader-in-Social-Network Schema: Perceptions of Network Structure Affect Gendered Attributions of Charisma’, won the award in the ‘best paper published three years prior’ category.
Published in ‘Organization Science’ in 2015, Martin’s paper, which was co-written with Raina Brands, London Business School, and Jochen Mendes, WHU–Otto Beisheim School of Management, challenges traditional leadership theory which tends assume charismatic attributions flow to men rather than women.
Their paper argues that gender-biased attributions about the charismatic leadership of men and women are facilitated by the operation of a leader-in-social-network schema, and that attributions of charismatic leadership depend on the match between the gender of the leader and the perceived structure of the network.
Alongside the award, Martin, Raina, and Jochen will receive a commemorative plaque, as well as $1000.