UCL School of Management

3 June 2021

A paper by SoM's Sidika & Ersin is selected as INFORMS Times Paper of the Month

Headshots of Sidika Tunc Candogan and Ersin Korpeoglu

Headshots of Sidika Tunc Candogan and Ersin Korpeoglu 

Congratulations to UCL School of Management’s Sidika Tunc Candogan and Ersin Korpeoglu and their co-author Gizem Korpeoglu from Eindhoven University of Technology for their paper being selected as the INFORMS Technology, Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship Section (TIMES) Paper of the Month.

The TIMES Paper of the Month initiative was launched at the start of April 2021 with the goal of using the INFORMS community platform to spread the word about impactful TIMES research—not only amongst members but also amongst the large network of professionals on LinkedIn.

In this series, a panel of judges selects one paper from the previous month’s INFORMS print publications that make important contributions to technology, innovation management, and entrepreneurship, and promote the paper on their social media platforms.

Sidika and Ersin’s study, Optimal Duration of Innovation Contests, explores how innovation contests have become a powerful business tool to source innovative solutions from external solvers by awarding only the best solutions.

The study explores how long an innovation contest should be and how many awards it should feature. It finds that the answer to these questions depends on how urgently organisations seek solutions. Organisations with low urgency should offer multiple awards and set a longer contest duration. Organisations with high urgency should offer a single award and set a shorter duration.

We are extremely proud of Sidika and Ersin for their paper being selected by this new initiative.

Read more on INFORMS TIMES LinkedIn

Last updated Friday, 4 June 2021