UCL School of Management

8 April 2024

UCL Professor Paolo Taticchi receives Stefan A. Riesenfeld Memorial Award

Congratulations to UCL School of Management Professor Paolo Taticchi, who has received the prestigious Stefan A. Riesenfeld Memorial Award and honoured as the Keynote Speaker at UC Berkeley Law School’s renowned Riesenfeld Symposium. This award, given annually at the Riesenfeld Symposium, recognises distinguished figures and leaders who have made notable contributions to global social and economic change.

Joining the ranks of past recipients such as Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Shirin Ebadi, former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Madam Justice Louise Arbour, and the Honorable Alejandro Jara, Deputy Director-General of the World Trade Organisation, Professor Taticchi has been recognised for his impactful work in strategy, sustainability, and his significant contributions towards sustainable business practices.

The award is named after Professor Stefan A. Riesenfeld, a seminal figure in the international law community at Berkeley. The Riesenfeld Symposium, in his memory, serves as a cornerstone event, gathering speakers from around the world to discuss critical global legal, social, and economic issues. 

This year’s symposium will focus on the dynamic landscape of international Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) policies and regulations, particularly emphasising their impact within the private sector. Key topics include sustainable financing and investments, the intersection of ESG regulation in investor-state disputes, and corporate transparency and sustainability.

Paolo’s recognition at this year’s symposium underlines the importance of interdisciplinary contributions to addressing the challenges facing our global community today.

Upon receiving the award, in his words:

“I am deeply honoured to receive the Stefan A. Riesenfeld Memorial Award, a recognition that resonates profoundly with my commitment to fostering sustainable business practices and contributing to global social and economic change.”

Paolo’s recognition serves as a reminder of the transformative potential inherent in dedicated scholarship and action towards sustainable global progress.

Last updated Wednesday, 17 April 2024