UCL School of Management’s Associate Professor Chia-Jung Tsay’s latest research examines the three fundamental responses to moral conflict; utilitarian, action and intention.
Moral judgments are a part of daily life and decisions, especially within organisations, where differing individual’s natural instinct and moral judgments can affect the outcome of key organisational decisions.
Managers and employees are often confronted and conflicted in the pursuit of profit or growth-oriented outcomes versus the means of achieving the outcomes, which may entail confusion and even harm to various stakeholders.
Working in collaboration with Harvard University, Harvard Business School and the Hebrew University of Jeresulum, Professor Tsay suggests those in managerial roles should be aware of the different individual responses to moral conflict, ensure they provide key decision makers within their organisation with all the information required and make a decision that will benefit the organisation as a whole, and consider asking the individual to set aside their inaction preference.