Petras speaking on stage at Verslas 2017
Petras Slekys, a first year BSc Information Management for Business student, has been speaking to 500 CEOs at ‘Verslas 2017’, a Lithuanian business conference.
Verslas 2017, which translates to Business 2017 in English, sees the top 500 CEOs in Lithuania attend to learn about business conditions over the next 12 months.
Around 20 professionals are invited to speak, from senior bank economists and chiefs of top companioes, to the Prime Minister of Lithuania.
Petras was among those 20 chosen to speak, after he spoke to thousands of people at the Innovative Lithuania 2016 Conference earlier this year.
Speaking after the event, Petras said: “I had an opportunity to talk in front of the TOP 500 CEOs in Lithuania. It’s a big deal, and moments before going on stage I had a doubt - will 500 executives enjoy my talk and learn anything new, when they have already listened to world leading economists and experts?”
“I delighted that, after the event, I was informed that my talk was ranked #1 in whole Verslas 2017 conference.”